Sunday, July 16, 2017


The clouds try to hide the sun, but the sun pushes through.
The breeze kisses your skin, whisking your hair around your face.
As the heat tries to rise, you soak in the coolness of the day.
You immerse yourself in the outside sounds and fresh air.
Closing your eyes, you hug your PERFECT day.


A flame in the blackness when your eyes are closed, is it your center, your thoughts, your God?
The bright flame flickers in the blackness, dancing to control your thoughts.
Drifting you may, but the flicker can pull you back.
Your body reacts to the flame, relax, sense of self.
A place of comfort and safety, it is not superficial it is simple.


Hot, clear with the radiant heat piercing the room. The shaft of the steel rod penetrating the liquid.
Shaping the liquid into your thought for the day. Colors can express a vivid picture.
It is taking shape, hardening and retaining the image you have created. Pulling and molding for that
perfect reflection. 

Cracks form, the structure is weakened but your patience works to determine the outcome.
Realizing there is always opportunity, you place the steel rod with the shape attached back into
the hot clear liquid and watch as it is Melted.